Kings Of Shrubbery: Sustainability Statement.

Kings Of Shrubbery is unique through its approach to green-thinking and sustainability! Read on to find out a little more about how Kings Of Shrubbery strive to be environmentally-friendly…

Safe use of chemicals

Our commitment to the environment can be reflected through our use of eco-friendly chemicals, for the treatments of lawns and shrubbery. These chemicals are safe for the environment and it's habitats. Furthermore, if new shrubbery is to be planted, Kings Of Shrubbery will push for pollinators, which will encourage the development of wild-life.

Environmentally appropriate equipment

Kings Of Shrubbery seek to use environmentally-friendly equipment when practically possible – this can be evidenced through our use of machinery which minimises noise pollution, emissions and fuel consumption.
On occasions we also use reclaimed equipment (including materials) - this lowers the requirement for new equipment to be manufactured, thus reducing Co2 emissions from factory production.
In addition, our machinery is regularly serviced to ensure they are operating in an environmentally-efficient manner.

Waste Disposal

Kings Of Shrubbery work in partnership with local recycling companies to ensure garden waste is processed into compost. We are registered with Natural Resources Wales for the Carriage Of Garden Waste; We also have Trade Waste Permits for local recycling facilities. Kings Of Shrubbery can also offer on-site disposal of waste - this allows you the opportunity to convert your organic debris into compost.


From planning, through to completion we are continually striving to develop work-flow strategies which prove sustainable and environmentally-friendly. And if we can complete a task in a more sustainable manner, it will often result in cost-savings to you, the client.
In addition, here at Kings Of Shrubbery we are well versed in the subject of regulatory control and we seek to act responsibly at all stages.
Kings Of Shrubbery seek to use environmentally-friendly equipment when practically possible – this can be evidenced through our use of machinery which minimises noise pollution, emissions and fuel consumption.
On occasions we also use reclaimed equipment (including materials) - this lowers the requirement for new equipment to be manufactured, thus reducing Co2 emissions from factory production.
In addition, our machinery is regularly serviced to ensure they are operating in an environmentally-efficient manner.


The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH)
Disposal of Trade Waste (Phase one: Gardening & Grounds Maintenance), Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990